The feeling of butterflies tickling in the tummy , want to attempt to know how your feet looks but failed, thoughts of missing the bump and also waiting to hold the little miracle in your hands, prepping the entire house from cribs to Hospital bags, being anxious, scared, happy, confused, excited, surprised and any other feeling put together is how you would probably feel the last month of pregnancy and it feels to be the Loooongestt!!

Yayy the D – day is nearing, and this time it is going to change your world forever, you will never be called a Couple again, but as Parents, doesn’t that make you Respect yourself more??
Coming to preparation for labor there are few things you must be aware way before the Day arrives that can help you have some mental peace and sail through the postpartum pressure. First things first, Visit the hospital early, if possible try completing the procedures and have a hospital tour to understand where the labor rooms or emergency rooms are, so that you exactly know where to go when it is time. Attend childbirth education classes, that not only empowers you with right information but makes you well prepared for the labor process both physically and mentally, that makes you feel more confident in taking decisions on your birth.
Shut down your ears for unwanted and uninvited advice /comparisons. Each labor process, each birth, each baby is unique and different. Prepare your body and mind. Your mind needs to trust your body to let flow of the process, if your body can nurture a life for 9 months, it can process the birth naturally as well, unless there Is a situation for medical intervention.

Visualize the birth that you want, positively A birth plan – your wishes, concerns or decisions about how the birth process should be. Having this discussed well in advance with your healthcare provider puts you at ease and avoid last minute ad hoc decisions. Birth plan will have the person whom you want with you during labor, make sure you choose the right one who gives you at most confidence and comfort .There are few other concepts that is to be known before delivery, these might be explained during a birth class too, its important that every pregnant couple is aware of these and discuss with the health care provider prior

Delayed cord clamping – After the birth, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. This is generally done immediately for further procedures, but having a delayed cord clamping allows more blood transfer from placenta to the baby and can help in increased hemoglobin & iron in babies reducing risk of anemia.
Skin-to-skin contact – It is a process where baby is dried and laid directly on their mother’s bare chest after birth, covered with blanket and left alone for an hour or more. Its also called as kangaroo care that helps in bonding with their baby. This calms both mother and baby helps baby adapt the life outside womb, stimulates interest in feeding as baby crawls up to find breasts to feed,. It also helps mother to release hormones that help her connect with the baby reducing the risks of PPD ( Post partum depression)

Breastfeeding – you can feed your child immediately after birth, attend breastfeeding classes before birth to understand the how demand and supply works and our body is capable of providing the gold milk.
Labor is different for everyone, for some it make take few hours only, some it takes days but that moment you see the bundle of life you created, touch the tiny fragile skin, hear the cry, feed them first milk, what every mother feels is right from the heart, that love and the hormone that flows is very very pure. The type of labor ( normal or c-sec) doesn’t matter, you tried your best momma and another life is in your hands now, the days which you will spend taking care and parenting the little one await you.
You are a warrior with or without a scar & So is your little one!!
Enjoy the days ahead in bonding and loving your child unconditionally, surprises and happiness awaits you every day thereafter!!

Ahaana Photography is creating a platform for the mothers to come together , resonate , read and know everything related to motherhood. Ahaana photography specialised in Newborn Photography and captures special moments right from maternity photoshoot to Kids photography.
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